Wilton Diptych

This is one of two Sale inventory entries making up the Wilton Diptych

Van der Doort c.1639

Altar Piece with two all-over gilded doors, Richard II in profile kneeling in golden robes to Virgin, beside him Saints John the Baptist with a white lamb, King Edward the Confessor with a ring on his left hand standing by St Edmund with an arrow...

Walpole Society reference (1960): 
WS 161, № 11
Measurements (Van der Doort): 
1ft 9in x 4ft ½in (53.3 x 123.2cm)
given to the King by James Palmer who had it from Sir John Jennings / Lady Jennings, in recompense the King let Palmer give Lady Jennings a Lievens portrait from the life of Charles I
Gift / Exchange / Bought / Inherited: 
...[title cont'd] in his left hand; on the other door Virgin and Christ, some 11 angels all in blue with garlands of roses on their heads and badge of the White Hind on their left shoulders; on the outside of the door the White Hind and on the outside of the door the arms of Edward the Confessor with a red hat and mantel
Original Manuscript page number: 
MS Ash 1514, fol 161, No 11
Identification certainty: 
Sale Inventory c.1649-51