Christina of Denmark (1522-1590)

The late Duke of Savoy's grandmother referred to in the Van der Doort entry would be Margaret of Valois (1523-1574). This sitter is identified as her contemporary, Christina of Denmark.

"Now in the collection of Mr H Walpole", annotation added by Horace Walpole to the corresponding entry in his copy of George Vertue, Catalogue and Description of King Charles I's Capital Collection.. (1757) in the Surveyor's office, St James's Palace 

Sale Inventory c.1649-51

Anthonis Mor

Duchess of Savoy

Walpole Society reference (1972): 
WS 72, №52
Sold to: 
Sale date: 
Appears in Charles II c1666: 
Whitehall, no 8, 109 x 91
Identification certainty: 