Van der Doort c.1639

Said to be Bronzino

Self-Portrait, the Italian painter, painted by himself, in a falling band, (half-length)

Walpole Society reference (1960): 
WS 44, № 16
Measurements (Van der Doort): 
1ft 9in x 1ft 4in (53.3 x 40.6cm)
light from the [blank]
wooden carved gilded frame
Hang notes: 
above Marquis of Hamilton's door
Room description extended: 
Towards the Orchard
Original Manuscript page number: 
MS. Ash. 1514, f. 59 and V&A Ms f. 10, no 3 (WS 203)
Charles II inventory c1666: 
Whitehall, no 277, 53 x 41
Interpreting the text: 
The text in brackets comes rom the V&A Manuscript
Identification certainty: 
Sale Inventory c.1649-51

(by himself [Bronzino])