St Jerome in his Study by Candlelight

Note that the work cited here is only a possible match with the record. Received from the States of Holland in 1635 along with Jan Gossart's Adam and Eve (Sale Inventory, WS 204, no 304 in Hampton Court), a landscape in needlework (Doort, WS 157, no 3) and the Burning of the Bones of John the Baptist and the Lamentation by Geertgen tot Sint Jans now in Vienna's Kunsthistorisches Museum (no 993 and no 991) - as well as some other luxury items. See J. Bruyn and O. Millar, "Notes on the Royal Collection-III: The'Dutch Gift'to Charles I", Burlington Magazine, 1962

Sale Inventory c.1649-51

Lucas van Leyden

St Jerome

Walpole Society reference (1972): 
WS 64, №63
Sold to: 
T Greene
Sale date: 
01/02/1652 or 53
Identification certainty: 