Battle of Pavia

Note that the work cited is only a possible match with the seventeenth-century record.

[item struck through]

[note cont'd]....kept as also in the “chartalbel” [Square Table/Chair Room?] Privy Lodging were some old defaced pictures which Earl of Arundel begged of the King and the King was glad to be rid of to make room for his pieces which he ordered to be brought from St James's

Van der Doort c.1639

Battle of Charles V, old, decayed, rotten

Walpole Society reference (1960): 
WS 179, № 51
which stood in the room next to the Chair Room at the time of the draining and altering of the Long Gallery waters, 100 jars of defaced, rotten and torn watercolour pieces and other the like and worse rotten maps and such like pieces, which had for time out of mind and no more worthy of any place in the King's House or any place else, which some by the Privy Lodging Keeper and some by Earl of Arundel’s servents were delivered and taken and carred and recarried as some of those old rotten torn defaced unworthy pieces to be in the King’s house or anywhere else to be worthy to be.....
Room description extended: 
Room by the King's Chair Room
Original Manuscript page number: 
MS. Ash. 1514, f. 181
Charles II inventory c1666: 
Hampton Court, no 92, 53 x 86 (possibly)
Other inventories: 
Henry VIII 1542, Whitehall Palace no. 804
Identification certainty: 
Sale Inventory c.1649-51