Van der Doort c.1639

(Pieter Aertsen)

Nunnery, where they are sitting at spinning, the pater friar of the cloister sitting at his victuals by the fire

Walpole Society reference (1960): 
WS 45, № 20
Measurements (Van der Doort): 
2ft 3in x 3ft 2in (68.6 x 96.5cm)
Light from the [blank]
Black frame
from Endymion Porter
Gift / Exchange / Bought / Inherited: 
the description continues 'young nun attending, young friar eating his egg and the old friar beating with his rod upon the cupboard where all sorts of victuals tumbling out, painted in black and white on the wall of the picture, as if a picture within a picture, Moses beating on the rock for water (and there hence issuing nothing but water)'
Room description extended: 
Towards the Orchard
Original Manuscript page number: 
MS. Ash. 1514, f. 60 and V&A MS f. 11, no 2 (WS 203)
Charles II inventory c1666: 
Whitehall, no 502, 69 x 96.5
Interpreting the text: 
The text in brackets comes from the V&A Manuscript
Sale Inventory c.1649-51