
We record here only those items from the 'Note of all your Majesty's pictures by Titian' not recorded elsehwhere in the van der Doort inventory, in order to avoid duplication. The list - which is unnumbered - contains at least three times as many items (see Walpole Society for complete list)

Van der Doort c.1639


[One of] Two long narrow pieces

Walpole Society reference (1960): 
WS 184, № 1
Hang notes: 
At St James’s
Room description extended: 
According to your Majesty's directions[?] to make a note of all your Majesty's pictures by Titian as you have at this time in the several places expressed as following
Original Manuscript page number: 
MS. Ash. 1514, f. 185v
Identification certainty: 
Sale Inventory c.1649-51