
Charles I petitioned Prince of Orange to release Torrentius from prison; he was placed in prison by the Haarlem authorities for blasphemy and membership of the outlawed order of the Veloss?; Torrentius was notorious for obscene pictures; Dudley Carlton was actually a reluctant donor; given to king as sample of his work. Another picture with a CR brand (though untraced in the inventories) is Torrentius's 1614 Emblematic Still Life with Flagon, Glass, Jug and Bridle which is in the Rijksmuseum (no. SK-A-2813) (see Christopher White, Dutch Pictures in the Collection of Her Majesty..., 2016, p.16-17)

Van der Doort c.1639

Torrentius, while abroad

Painting whereof the invention and meaning unknown, Man sits with his naked back to us, leaning his right hand on money bag, behind a mirror, with skull, book on which a spider and green scarf with white silver lace, beside his head passing two arrows

Walpole Society reference (1960): 
WS 64, № 10
Measurements (Van der Doort): 
3ft 7in x 2ft 3in (109.2 x 68.6cm)
Lord Dorchester
Gift / Exchange / Bought / Inherited: 
Hang notes: 
(as yet unplaced) [struck through]
Room description extended: 
King's Chair Room in the Privy Gallery
Original Manuscript page number: 
B.L. Add. MS. 10112, f. 6
Identification certainty: 