Van der Doort c.1639

Hoskins After Sir Anthony van Dyck

Picture of the Henrietta Maria, with carnation ribbon in her hair, knot and necklace of pearls, white dress, green curtain and view of London (half-length)

Walpole Society reference (1960): 
WS 105, № 11
Measurements (Van der Doort): 
7in x 0in (17.8 x 0cm)
set in a round gold blue-and-white enamel ring, lower part (back of it) only silver-gilt, covered by a large rock crystal
light from the left
in a carnation plush case (marked with the King’s mark [CR])
4 pictures of the Queen in various sizes; original oil above the chimney in the Withdrawing Room / Great Cabinet, Somerset House (at the end of the little gallery)
Room description extended: 
4th Book containing all your Majesty's well limned pieces, kept at the moment in cupboards in the newly erected Cabinet Room, Whitehall
Original Manuscript page number: 
Windsor MS., f. 49 and V&A MS, f. 52, no 1 (WS 215) and MS. Ash. 1514, f. 118
Charles II inventory c1666: 
Whitehall, no 414?
Interpreting the text: 
The text in brackets comes from the V&A and Ashmolean Manuscripts
Identification certainty: 