Van der Doort c.1639

Old Hilliard

Prince Henry in white silver / gilded armour, left hand in a gauntlet, holding another at his side, on his right on a table a helmet with a white feather bush, defaced

Walpole Society reference (1960): 
WS 108, № 20
Measurements (Van der Doort): 
2½in x 2in (6.35 x 5.1cm)
oval red curtain ground card
light from the left
4 pictures of Prince Henry - each treated separately; defaced
Room description extended: 
4th Book containing all your Majesty's well limned pieces, kept at the moment in cupboards in the newly erected Cabinet Room, Whitehall
Original Manuscript page number: 
Windsor MS., f. 52
Charles II inventory c1666: 
Whitehall, no 439
Identification certainty: 