Van der Doort c.1639

said to be antique

Standing black Woman, holding her left hand down, right hand up as if she were to hold some drapery

Walpole Society reference (1960): 
WS 93, № 12
Measurements (Van der Doort): 
11½in x 0in (29.2cm high)
Lord Cottington
Gift / Exchange / Bought / Inherited: 
[Not of the 18 Florentine bronzes]
Room description extended: 
Your Majesty's statues placed round about the Cabinet Room; 36 including 16 of the 18 little statues which came to your majesty by the decease of Prince Henry; the other 2 are in the Chair Room
Original Manuscript page number: 
Windsor MS., f. 24
Identification certainty: 