Current knowledge

Sir Anthony van Dyck

Charles I and Henrietta Maria with their two eldest children, Prince Charles and Princess Mary [lost version of this work]

Royal Collection 405353
Current measurements: 
303.8cm x 256.5cm

Note that this record refers to a lost version of van Dyck's Great Piece, and "curiously done" perhaps meaning it was a small-scale intricate copy or modello. It is not known whether the record refers to a work by van Dyck's hand or that of a copyist (such as Remigius van Leemput, who was paid to make a copy of the Great Piece for Charles I in 1647 - inventoried in Charles II's collection c.1666 at Hampton Court Queen's Gallery - see below). The large valuation suggests this was an important work, even if a copy

Sale Inventory c.1649-51
Walpole Society reference (1972):