Current knowledge

after Antonio Allegri Correggio

Saint John the Baptist

Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, University of Toronto Hollar 00026

The whereabouts of this work is unknown. This image - a drawing after a lost painting - comes from the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library at the University of Toronto.

The description does not seem to represent another version of Correggio’s St John in the First Privy Lodging Room, as the painting exactly matches the measurements of an entry for a Baptist by Correggio in Charles II’s inventory (c.1666) in which the figure is clearly described as seated (as opposed to standing). However, Wenceslaus Hollar drew a seated John the Baptist after a painting by Correggio in England in the Arundel collection around 1642 - this drawing survives in Toronto and may represent the lost painting. The item is not listed in the Sale. We have not included this drawing in the 3D visualisation for reasons of presentation and accuracy