King's Niece as a Shepherdess

Note that the work cited here is only a possible match with the record.

"Portrait of Princess Sophia now at Wilton House", annotation added by Horace Walpole to the corresponding entry in his copy of George Vertue, Catalogue and Description of King Charles I's Capital Collection.. (1757) in the Surveyor's office, St James's Palace 


'The young Palsgrave' probably refers to Charles I Louis, Elector Palatine (1617-1680)

Sale Inventory c.1649-51

Four several pictures of the Parlsgrave Children

Walpole Society reference (1972): 
WS 151, №11
Sold to: 
Hunt and Bass
Sale date: 
01/03/1652 or 53
Appears in Charles II c1666: 
Hampton Court, no 10 and 93 and 164
Identification certainty: 