Henry VIII (1491-1547)

Note that the work cited here is only a possible match/version of the seventeenth-century record. If the Thyssen portrait is to be matched with the record, it must have been somewhat cut down. Holbein's Thyssen portrait would have been of a high quality in comparison with the rest of this Privy Gallery set

Van der Doort c.1639

Henry VIII in his youth, golden doublet with a glove on his right hand

Walpole Society reference (1960): 
WS 29, № 38
Measurements (Van der Doort): 
1ft ½in x 8½in (31.8 x 21.6cm)
red and gilded frame
Whitehall piece
Gift / Exchange / Bought / Inherited: 
Hang notes: 
Room description extended: 
Twenty-three little heads-mostly-without-hands on panel
Original Manuscript page number: 
MS. Ash. 1514, f. 39
Other inventories: 
Henry VIII 1542, Whitehall Palace no. 708
Identification certainty: 
Sale Inventory c.1649-51